Art and Photographic Work

Welcome and thank you for visiting my website.  It displays my art and photographic work from various places.  I built this site ten years ago to show my photographic and art work from various places but it’s still happily a work in progress that will, I hope, develop and improve over time and that you will enjoy. My photography and art-making now run simultaneously, so this site mixes both through the posts and pages.  I take inspiration from photography when engaged in art-making and vice-versa.

Art and Photographic Focus:   July 2024 Photo

1.  For Photography images, click on ‘Photographs from Ireland and Abroad’ in the menu bar above
2.  For Art Work, click on ‘Watercolour and Gouache Work Portfolio’ in the menu bar above


All images copyright © John Brennan, 2024.  Please do not copy or reproduce without prior permission.

7 thoughts on “Art and Photographic Work”

  1. I thought the bowling green image was a painting. The gear reminds me of David Hockney and the quality of light and the colours are reminiscent of his work so maybe that’s where my brain went when I first looked at it.

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This site displays my photographic and fine art work